Effx, a San Francisco based startup, is trying to provide relief for developers looking for a better understanding of their microservice architectures. On Monday morning, the company announced they’d just capped off a $3.9M funding round led by Kleiner Perkins & Cowboy Ventures.
The graph above shows funding for DevOp tools since 2010; the data indicates that companies have been spending increasing amounts of capital on their developer tools as technology stacks continue to evolve. As requirements for the stacks become more individualized and unique companies need solutions that are easily interchangeable across multiple different platforms. Companies that switch from their Monolithic architecture are able to draw their focus to business functionality rather than piecemealing code to get tools to work in unison.
Why this transaction?
The York IE team chose this as our Transaction of the Week (TOW) because this round of funding will help Effx expand their engineering team while also adding more integrations to its services. Effx originally relied on YAML files but quickly realized that this method was not efficient and was difficult to automate; instead, Effx turned their focus towards platforms like Kubernetes, AWS Lambda & ECS which allow them to quickly and autonomously catalog client’s services. By evolving to microservice architectures from monolith, organizations are gaining increased modularization for their systems. Microservices make large solutions more digestible and scalable, both as the infrastructure itself and through productivity gains realized by allowing more structured team organization around the services. Effx says that once integrated, their solution will offer a “single pane of glass” for information and service dependencies. Furthermore, by combining with internal CI/CD data the microservice can be used as a troubleshooting tool to determine changes to services before an issue occurs.From Monolith to Microservices
Over the past ten years organizations have been upgrading their stacks more and more frequently. Under monolithic architecture, new technology stacks are not as easily interchangeable & can be difficult to adopt. In contrast, microservices architecture allows independent services to act & communicate autonomously with the help of API’s.