Elevating Opportunities for Female Investors
We want to see more women in leadership positions, board seats and advisory roles across the technology industry.
By joining TechWomen Invest, you’ll have the opportunity to:
- invest in companies through our primary syndicate
- network with other female investors and entrepreneurs
- connect with startups for additional direct investments

We need to get more women at the table talking about the startups that will shape the future.

TechWomen|TechGirls is a New Hampshire Tech Alliance initiative focused on building a strong community of female professionals who are enthusiastic about technology.
TechWomen Invest members will have access to all TechWomen|TechGirls events, plus opportunities to participate in mentorship programs, speaking engagements, webinars and more.

We aim to inspire a future generation of powerful women business leaders
sharing their stories of success.
sharing their stories of success.

TechWomen Invest members must be accredited investors.