A performance management process is critical for every successful organization, whether a startup or a global firm.
People drive the organization, and their productivity is a key factor to growth, sustainability and innovation. But how can organizations and leaders manage and improve performance within?
Here are five keys to improving your performance management process:
Be the Change
If you can role model what type of effort and values you want in your team’s performance, they are more likely to emulate. That means you need to work on bettering yourself, because a better you is a better everyone else.
The Best Leaders Build New Leaders
Always looks for ways to improve and build on your employees’ leadership development. Do not be afraid to let them surpass you.
Seize the Moment
Every occasion is a leadership opportunity to learn, evolve and grow.
Set SMART Goals and Reward Success
Having SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) goals and metrics helps employees know what to expect and see how their actions will drive results and be rewarded. Rewarding success is not just about financial compensation. Showing gratitude, sharing stories and celebrating small wins are among the best strategies.
Adopt a Coaching Mentality
A good coach will support their employees. A solid support system will offer chances for learning and development through resources, both internal and external. You can offer constructive, immediate and continual feedback, be a mentoring sounding board and challenge them to succeed on their own.
A Better Performance Management Process
You may already be doing a good job or have created a strong culture. However, you can always look for ways to improve your current performance management process.
The first way is to tie all performance management activity to your company mission, vision and values. Your employees will see and learn firsthand how their work and success will contribute to the organization and the people they serve.
Second, you can identify best practices externally and see if you can make them part of your own performance management process. This allows you to be open to what others are doing and not riding your ego.
Finally, look for new opportunities to support the growth of your team and even yourself. There are some incredibly new and innovative ways to enhance the leadership performance of everyone. So watch for them and invest the best you can.
Bobby Umar is a 5x TEDx speaker and one of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers, alongside such noteworthy leaders as Richard Branson, Brene Brown and John Maxwell. Named the second-best business coach to follow on Twitter, Bobby is an international author of two books, including a #1 bestseller, and is a Huffington Post contributor. A social media guru who champions authentic connection and heart-based leadership, Bobby is a recognized thought leader in networking, social media and personal branding. Follow Bobby @raehanbobby.