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Case Studies

ENDVR Builds a Customer-Centric Website with York IE

When Bryna Dilman joined ENDVR as vice president of marketing, she wanted to use the company’s website to better reach potential customers. But without an internal marketing website team, she couldn’t do it alone.

By working with York IE’s website and digital marketing practice, ENDVR, the digital platform for driving retail sales in the physical world, was able to launch a new WordPress site that:

  • saw a 57% increase in ranking keywords in just the first month;
  • effectively reduced load times and achieved an average page speed score of 93, ensuring faster access to content and smoother navigation for visitors; and
  • delivered an optimal user experience and improved SEO performance through an optimized sitemap hierarchy, content and metadata.
“It was a completely collaborative process, and we couldn’t have done it so efficiently on our own,” Dilman said. Here, she discusses the challenges ENDVR faced and how York IE helped the company overcome them:

Why did ENDVR look to build a new website?

When I started with ENDVR, their website was on a different platform, Wix, that I wasn’t as familiar with. We did not have any white papers or form fills on the site. I saw a need to review our messaging and make sure that we’re communicating to who we want to buy our product.

ENDVR website screenshot
ENDVR’s new website, built by York IE

I don’t have the skillset to go into Wix and completely update and revamp the site, and we don’t have an internal web dev team to support the marketing website. It felt very overwhelming.

We started to create landing pages, but we had a limited number of new pages that we were able to create on Wix. So we were then extending them to HubSpot pages, but that didn’t give visitors the opportunity to flow through the entire website and understand who and what we are.

WordPress is a website that I’ve used in many different organizations, especially at this stage, so I thought, “This is a perfect opportunity for us to get a website where my whole team can be autonomous, update content and add forms that we can start to generate leads from.”

But there was absolutely zero capacity on my team to be able to do that on our own.

Why did you choose York IE’s website practice?

We were already working with York IE for our HubSpot support, and our vice president of revenue had used York IE at another organization, but never for websites. We thought that it would be so much better to have one company knowing the back end and the front end of our go-to-market operations.

The proposal from York IE matched the price point that we were able to provide in our own budget. And we had an incredible outline of what they were going to deliver. We asked for referrals. They provided them really quickly. The whole proposal process was really clear.

The team’s experience in overall GTM strategy was an important factor as well. It was a huge win for me to be able to say, “Not only are they developing a website, but I have a resource that is guiding us and supporting our goals of using this site for lead generation.”

What was it like working with York IE?

We had a kickoff call with people from the marketing team who walked us through a messaging hierarchy exercise: “What is ENDVR? What are you trying to say? How are you trying to say it? And how is that different than what’s on the website now?” That helped really set the stage.

They were genuinely interested in knowing not just what we wanted the website to look like, but what our business objectives were, which allowed us to better connect with and convert our target audiences.

After that, we would have meetings once a week. They were really organized, and their whole team seemed to always be on the same page. We would have a very clear agenda on what we were supposed to do, how we were supposed to provide the content and timelines.

It was just a really cohesive, communicative environment. They were so transparent with everything, and I’m super satisfied and happy with how the whole entire process went.

How has working with York IE helped ENDVR overcome its website challenges?

Now that everything is on WordPress versus Wix and HubSpot, we’re seeing increased engagement on our website. The enhancements in page speed, design and content have collectively increased the time users spend on the site.

Our top navigation makes it really easy for somebody to come in and find out who we are. We had no About Us, Careers or Founder Story pages. We had limited pages about who we serve and our solutions. Now it’s a much better journey for the potential customer.

I feel super grateful to have met the York IE team. They’re really great human beings.

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