
From New Hampshire to India: Inside York IE’s Acquisition of ACW Technologies

May 10, 2022 3 min read
Kalrav Parsana

Kalrav Parsana

It always gives me great pleasure to share my amazing journey with York IE so far. Although we have worked together for more than two years leading up to today’s acquisition of my firm, All Cloud Works (ACW) Technologies, I feel this exciting ride has just begun and plenty of fun elements are yet to come.

A couple of years ago, I had just quit as an engineer to work as a software development contractor full-time and challenge myself with varied projects. I got in touch with Mike Veilleux, CTO of York IE.

Mike had quite a problem to solve in the domain of cloud architecture and had posted about it on one of the top freelancing platforms. I guess I got intrigued by the kind of work Mike and his team were doing, and I decided to contribute to their development program. Mike hired me. Funnily enough, I couldn’t solve the whole problem but managed to solve a few chunks of it.

After that, Mike re-hired me for another project, and I asked, “Hey, I couldn’t solve your last problem fully. Why would you hire me again?”

He replied, “Well, you solved the parts my team couldn’t, and that’s why I believe you are the perfect fit for us in the long term.”

I had very little idea of where this engagement could go next, but retrospectively speaking, it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Mike put a great deal of trust in me, and after the first couple of projects on as-needed basis, we started working together continuously and built a brilliant line of products for York IE and its portfolio companies.

Currently, my team of 10-plus engineers and I work with some of the most delightful clients at York IE, and we are poised to take this to the next level. As we are positioned to strive for more market disruption, our combined focus will be on:

  • always staying customer-centric and empathetic;
  • bringing the smartest pool of talent to our endeavors;
  • introducing superior products to the world to further our competitiveness;
  • constantly transforming and evolving ourselves to stay innovative; and
  • building resilience for sustainable growth so we can tackle any challenges that come our way.

Like our CEO Kyle York, I am also a strong believer in the philosophy that if you build stronger bonds with the people you work with, you’ll achieve great heights together. And that’s what gives me the pure joy of working at York IE. Despite the pandemic or time zone difference or any other operational challenges, our India and United States teams have built a strong working relationship that reflects greatly in the kind of wonderful work we are doing for our clients.

I would like to thank the leadership at York IE for giving me this amazing opportunity to change the way startups are built, scaled and monetized. I am thrilled to take this partnership to great levels ahead!

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