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York IE Hires New Accounting Manager: Kaelyn Sullivan

Growing up, children idolize their parents. They hang on every word they say, put them on a pedestal, and aim to grow up and follow in their footsteps. All of this was true for me – including the idea that I would get a job out of college and stay there for my entire working life, just like both of my parents.

Spoiler: this did not happen.

My mom and dad have worked in their respective industries for their entire careers, and almost exclusively at the same companies. I thought that was just what happens when you get a job; you get hired somewhere, put in your ~40 years, and you retire there. When a slew of guest speakers in my Senior Business Seminar class in college talked about their paths after college, including several job switches, I still didn’t believe that was the plan for me professionally. There was no way I would need to — let alone want to – ever change what I was doing!

Jump ahead six years to my fourth professional endeavor. I’m grateful every day that the world has changed enough since my parents entered the workforce for the “norm” to be endless opportunities and a culture that embraces change.

Born and raised in Hooksett, N.H., I stayed local after high school and graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in accounting and finance. Utilizing my network immediately (my mom is part of my network, right?), I entered the workforce at a health insurance brokerage agency, managing accounts for payroll clients. It didn’t take me long to want to see what else the world had to offer, so I went back to the Rolodex and got in touch with a friend working in an entirely different industry – IT consulting.

I began my brand new job in a brand new field just as the world was shutting down in 2020. Adjusting to remote work at a global organization was no small feat — and a push from the universe that I didn’t know I needed. I vastly expanded my skill set and learned more about being a valuable member of the workforce.

After growing both personally and professionally for just shy of two years, I got a call from a friend letting me know that she referred me to a job locally. She asked if I was interested in chatting with the COO of the company to learn more. Why not?!

Thus began my next adventure in the wild world of bio-fabrication and regenerative medicine. This industry was not only new to me, but new to the world, which was equally an exciting and absolutely terrifying change of pace. In spite of my trepidation, I navigated the uncharted roadmap of the organization and found success and validation in my abilities through an expansion of my comfort zone.

After three years, I once again found myself hungry for more of a challenge — and stuck in a setting that I thought I’d outgrown. I made the decision to come back to where it all began, finally utilizing the expensive competencies I gained from my degree in 2018 (thanks, Mom and Dad!). This brought me to the accounting manager position at a company I’ve had my eye on for years – York IE.

Throughout my journey from college graduation to today, I’ve learned more about the cloud, manufacturing, 3D bioprinting, tissue engineering, insurance premiums, tax laws and non-profit businesses than I ever could explain. With that, though, came my deep understanding of how startups operate, and the internal strategies that are necessary for success.

I’m excited to apply my “generalist” background to a more specialized role that better suits my talents. I can’t wait to combine that with my sincere passion for people and relationship-building here at York IE. This opportunity is truly a dream come true for me, and I’m honored to be joining such a kind, brilliant, powerful and high-caliber team of people!

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