
York IE Hires New Senior Product Strategist: Chris Gonyea

August 12, 2024 3 min read
Chris Gonyea

Chris Gonyea

Fifteen years ago, I had a feeling. I had established myself early in my career in the safe and relatively predictable IT industry. I attended a local “Best Companies to Work For” event, hearing various local “traditional” companies talk about their work culture and how they were building something unique in their industry.

It was an interesting event, but what completely captivated me was hearing about a small New Hampshire-based tech startup — the only one in the room that day. At the time, Dyn was a small 20-person company supporting a product (Managed DNS) I had never really heard of.

I was immediately captivated.

I realized this could be my chance to work for a tech startup that didn’t require me to commute to Boston or move to Silicon Valley. I went on Dyn’s website that night, read everything I could find, and then applied for a customer support role.

That leap of faith changed my life and career. It helped me play a tiny part in a company that became a beacon of the Manchester and broader New Hampshire community over 10 years. Dyn served as proof that a startup from this small state can participate and succeed at a global scale – and become a company that every individual and business online relied on in one way or another.

That formative experience at Dyn, and later at Fastly, allowed my career to rapidly progress. I experienced an interesting combination of individual contributor and management roles in customer support, sales engineering, product management, technical account management and technical operations. It brought me viable experience in interacting with customers and products of all sizes, from small “mom and pop” style businesses to Fortune 100 size enterprises — from normal everyday Internet traffic to breaking news, large sports events, software downloads and major geopolitical situations.

Recently, a family health situation forced me to take a step back and completely re-evaluate everything. I thought a lot about the importance of family, neighbors and friends. I re-evaluated the meaning of a sustainable career and lifestyle and the power of local relationships and community.

Hearing about the recent success and vision of York IE gave me that feeling that I’ve previously had a few times in my career at Dyn and Fastly: that feeling of something unique and special is happening and I need to be a part of it. The opportunity also aligns with my personal and family situation, which is exactly what we need right now.

Here at York IE, I plan to leverage my years of experience to help guide startups and established companies in making smart product decisions. I’m determined to show that the traditional venture capital way of building businesses isn’t the only way — that no matter where you live or how large or small your vision is, you can build a sustainable business. My job will be to help guide and shepherd your vision into a sustainable and successful product and business over time, thinking through all aspects of the product and customer experience.

I can’t wait to begin working with you.

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