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York IE Hires New Account Manager: Kyla Ludwig

I’m thrilled to be on board as an account manager for the Advisory Services team at York IE! It’s a unique and fulfilling career opportunity I’m thankful to have found. It’s a good chance that couldn’t have come at a better time. I received my employment offer and accepted it without hesitation on the day before Thanksgiving. It was my blessing to have found this excellent career fit for me. One week in, I’m being challenged in a whole new way I’ve never been before. There’s a lot to learn, which can be overwhelming and thrilling at the same time. But I’m all in, ready and willing to take whatever’s thrown at me. (Let me clarify that I mean that figuratively and not physically.)

I started my career as a graphic designer in a large financial institution’s marketing creative services group. I worked as a marketing specialist for a few different and relatively small internal marketing departments. I found my time spent as a specialist most beneficial because it afforded me the freedom and flexibility to hone my skills in a short period. Working with a limited capacity was trial by fire! I learned so much while juggling a million moving parts. Initially, I started working solely on developing creative collateral — posters, brochures, postcards, newsletters, to name a few. Then over time, I began coordinating multiple digital messaging channels. More recently, I started to review the collected data results and report on the performance of marketing’s campaign efforts.

In marketing communications, you need to look at things from a different perspective and a fresh approach. There’s a competitive landscape for new products and services entering the market. Companies have to fight to gain their place at the table and fight even harder to distinguish themselves, stand out from and above the rest. This process is the part I like best. I enjoy coming up with new ideas while testing the waters, searching for ultimate success.

I can honestly say I consider it a privilege and a compliment to be working among such an innovative, creative and forward-thinking team of problem solvers and subject matter experts combined in the best possible way. There’s never a dull moment at York IE, and things move at an accelerated pace. We are challenged and encouraged to look at things differently. We’re empowered to think about new and novel ways of solving problems and fulfilling needs.

At one point, I worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There I was exposed to some of the brightest students and faculty worldwide. Researchers and scholars sought to discover and develop new and improved devices and solutions to accelerate services or improve product needs. The vibrant and intellectual community sparked more curiosity and passion for making a difference. Being an actual part of it all, that’s the environment in which I thrive. In addition, I enjoy collaborating with other like-minded visionaries to make great things happen.

Throughout the interview process and chats with York IE employees, I kept hearing a repeated message with a consistent theme. They were unanimously speaking with great enthusiasm about their roles and how rewarding the experience of working alongside startups on their journey to growth and success can be. It was a great example of how the drumbeat marketing formula was ultimately successful. A consistent and strong message gets you noticed, makes you stand out, and gets your point across. I was already on board, though, and I didn’t need any more convincing at that point. So the only remaining question was: When can I start working for this amazing company known as York IE?

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